College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

Past Highlights

  • 2023 - 2024 Academic Year
    Vernon Kramer Memorial Service Award
    Vernon Kramer Award pictures - in order left to right - Jilian Wang, Kevin Gao, Tyler Pierce and Zachary Virgilio

    The 2023-24 Vernon Kramer Memorial Service Award winners are: Jialin Wang (pictured top left), Kevin Gao (pictured top right), Tyler Pierce (pictured bottom left), and Zachary Virgilio (pictured bottom right). Thank you so much, we truly appreciate your extensive support of the UCR math community this year.

    To read about their contributions, please visit the Vernon Kramer Memorial Service Award page.

    2024 CNAS Academic Excellence Awards

    The Math Department proudly announces that Riley Hunke & Sudhir Murthy are among the winners of the 2024 CNAS Academic Excellence Awards. Congratulations!

    M.M. Rao Award
    Rahul Rajkumar UCR Math

    The 2023-2024 M.M. Rao Award Graduate Fellowship Award winner is Rahul Rajkumar. Rahul is pursuing probability theory as his research area and already has results on the component processes of diffusion processes in a finite dimensional vector space over the p-adic numbers and on scaling limits. Congratulations!

    Bryce Mason Award

    The Math Department proudly announces the 2024 winner of the Bryce Mason Award is Darius Mahamedi. The award recognizes Darius for excellence in mathematics and contributing to our positive learning environment.

    Congratulations Darius!

    Bosch Prize

    Jana Fahs won the Bosch Award 2023-2024 for her outstanding course performance and undergraduate research. She has presented her work in both the UCR undergraduate research symposium and the Mathematical Pathways to an Excellent Future conference.

    Congratulations Jana!

    Outstanding Visiting Assistant Professor Awards
    VAP Awards 2023 - 2024 (Courtney George left, Hassan Attarchi right)

    This year the UCR Mathematics Outstanding Visiting Assistant Professor Awards go to Courtney George (pictured left), Hassan Attarchi (pictured right), Fazel Hadadifard and Matthew Harper. Congratulations! To learn about their accomplishments and contributions for the 2023-2024 academic year, please visit the VAP awards page.

    Outstanding TA Awards

    Every Academic year the Teaching Assistant Development Program recognizes the outstanding teaching assistants selected by each of the UC Riverside departments. Though it is difficult to choose a select few out our Teaching Assitants' consistently strong efforts, every year a number of TAs manage to find a way to stand out from the group.

    Please join us in congratulating our most recent recipients of the Outstanding TA award: Bill Terry, Emerald Win, Jialin Wang, Kevin Gao, Khoi Vo, Michael Gulas, Ryan Aschoff, Shane Rankin, Tyler Pierce and Zach Virgilio.

    Math Department TAs

    Ketchersid Scholarship 2023-2024

    Winners of the Ketchersid Scholarship are chosen out of many eligible applicants. Several stand out students are chosen based on their academic achievements and their financial need which each student demonstrates in their submitted essay. The UCR Math Department's congratulations go to the math undergraduates listed below:

    Aliyah Bello, Cristian Herrera, Jacob Gower, Jonathan Martinez, Kimberly Arreguin, Maritssa Nolasco, Moises Ruano, Rayan Awais, William Murray, Xavier Madrid

    Chancellor’s Award in Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement - Qixuan Wang
    Qixuan Wang - Chancellor’s Award in Undergraduate Education

    For her collaborations with undergraduates on modeling hair follicle growth and modeling the effect of ionizing radiation on hair follicle degeneration, Professor Qixuan Wang is this year's winner of the Chancellor’s Award in Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement.

    The Math Department congratulates Dr. Qixuan Wang and these outstanding achievements.

    Associate Professor - Qixuan Wang
    Qixuan Wang UCR Math

    For her groundbreaking mathematical modeling of micro swimmers, hair follicle growth, and embryonic development, the university will promote Dr. Qixuan Wang to Associate Professor, effective July 1st. In addition to her fantastic research accomplishments, Dr. Wang is a prolific mentor of undergraduate research of the highest quality. The Math Department congratulates Dr. Qixuan Wang and wishes her continued success in her remarkable career.


    Edward A. Dickson Emerita Professor, 2024-2025: Mei-Chu Chang
    Mei-Chu Chang, UCR

    Professor Emerita Mei-Chu Chang has been named the Edward A. Dickson Emerita Professor, 2024 - 2025. For more on Professor Chang's remarkable career please go to


    CNAS Scholarship
    Andrea Stine, UCR

    Please join us in congratulating Andrea Stine on being awarded the CNAS Scholarship Inclusive Excellence Travel Fund Award!

    The Inclusive Excellence Travel Fund will be awarded to underrepresented graduate students in a STEM field of study who have the opportunity to meaningfully participate in an academic conference (in person or virtual) and are making acceptable progress within normative time toward a degree.

    NSF Career Award - Weitao Chen
    Weitao Chen, UCR Mathematics

    The Mathematics Department proudly announces that Professor Weitao Chen is the winner of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award on Multiscale Model for Cell Morphogenesis and Tissue Development in Plant Leaves.

    NSF Career Award - Brian Collier
    Brian Collier, UC Riverside Mathematics

    The Mathematics Department proudly announces that Professor Brian Collier is the winner of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award on Higgs bundles and Anosov representations.


    Dr. Larry Harper sketch by Dr. John de Pillis
    Dr. Larry Harper Remembered

    The Mathematics Department extends its deepest sympathies to family and friends of Professor Emeritus Larry Harper. Dr. Harper passed away peacefully last October. Dr. Harper was a great contributor to mathematics, an influential colleague and a friend to so many.

    To read about his contributions to math and connections with his peers and students, please click here.

    Illustration by Dr. John de Pillis

    Graduation 2023

    MOPTA 2023 Conference Poster Competition
    james award

    Graduate Student James Alcala has secured the third-place position in the Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2023 Conference Poster Competition.

    Congratulations, James!

    Academic Excellence Award 2023

    The Academic Excellence Award is given to an outstanding student from each undergraduate major who is nominated by their faculty for achieving excellence in their academics and research or creative activity. Academic Excellence Award recipients will be recognized during the 2023 CNAS Commencement Ceremony and their names will be highlighted in the Commencement Program.

    Congratulations go to Camille Korbut, Mathematics Major.

    Dissertation Fellowship Recipients 2023 - 2024
    Alysha Toomy, Tony Li, and Jennifer Rangel Ambriz

    Congratulations to our 2023 - 2024 Dissertation Fellowship Recipients: Alysha Toomey, Tony Li, and Jennifer Rangel Ambriz!

    Please read more about the recipients here.

    Dissertation Fellowship Recipients 2022 - 2023
    James Alcala, Jacob Garcia, Austin Hansen, Isaac Tate, Tyler Pierce, and Christian Williams

    Congratulations to our 2022 - 2023 Dissertation Fellowship Recipients: James Alcala, Jacob Garcia, Austin Hansen, Isaac Tate, Tyler Pierce, and Christian Williams!

    Please read more about the recipients here.

    Outstanding Teaching Award Recipients 2022 - 2023
    Michael Gulas, James Le, Alex Tao, and Jennifer Wang

    Congratulations to our 2022 - 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award Recipients: Michael Gulas, James Le, Alex Tao, and Jennifer Wang!

    Please read more about the recipients here.

    Outstanding Teaching Award Recipients 2022 - 2023
    Gerardo Orozco-Fernandez

    Congratulations to our 2022 - 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award Honorable Mention Recipients: Gerardo Orozco-Fernandez!

    Please read more about why Gerardo was chosen here.

    Outstanding VAP Awards 2022 - 2023
    Catherine Cannizzo, Javier Gonzalez-Anaya, Sayan Das, and Hassan Attarch

    The Mathematics Outstanding VAP Awards go to Catherine Cannizzo, Javier Gonzalez-Anaya, Sayan Das, and Hassan Attarchi.

    Please read more about why they were chosen and visit their profiles here.

    F. Burton Jones Chair
    Dr. Vyjayanthi Chari, UCR Math F. Burton Jones Chair

    The Mathematics Department is pleased to announce that Distinguished Professor Vyjayanthi Chari has been appointed F. Burnton Jones Chair of Pure Mathematics. The Math Department congratulates Professor Chari on her exceptional career and wishes her continued success.

    Outstanding Global Ambassador Award 2023
    Outstanding Global Ambassador Award 2023 Mark Alber UCR

    The UCR Math Department proudly announces that Distinguished Professor Mark Alber is this year's winner of the Outstanding Global Ambassador Award. The Mathematics Department congratulates Professor Alber on this fantastic accomplishment.

    Learn More About the Award and Dr. Alber

    Distinguished Celebration
    Vyjayanthi Chari, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, UCR

    The International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is hosting the conference Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory in honor of the 65th birthday of Distinguished Professor Vyjayanthi Chari. The Mathematics Department congratulates Professor Chari on her remarkable career and wishes her continued success.

    Dr. David Rush Remembered
    Dr. David Rush

    The UCR Math community extends our deepest sympathy and appreciation to the family of Professor Emeritus David Rush who passed away on February 13th, 2023. Dave was a prolific mathematical author and mentor whose positive influence on the careers of many young people will be felt for years to come.

    To read more about Dave's impact on mathematics and our department Click Here.

    Zhenghe Zhang
    Zhenghe Zhang, UCR

    For his vital contributions to interface of dynamical systems, spectral theory, and mathematical physics the university will promote Dr. Zhenghe Zhang to Associate Professor, effective July 1. The Math Department congratulates Dr. Zhenghe Zhang and wishes him continued success in his remarkable career.


    Fulbright Scholar Award
    Dr. Mark Alber, UCR

    The UCR Mathematics Department proudly announces that Dr. Mark Alber was selected for the Fulbright US Scholar Award in the academic year 2023-2024. The award will support his extended visit to the Mathematical Institute, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, to collaborate on the project titled: Combining Mathematical Modeling and AI Methods for Studying Formation of Shape and Structure in Developing Tissue.

    Inside UCR Story

Past Events

  • 2024 - 2025 Academic Year
    Computational Modeling & Machine Learning in Biology & Medicine Workshop 2024
    December 11th & 12th, 2024

    The workshop will focus on recent progress in mathematical and computational modeling of biological and biomedical systems, model translational predictions in biology and medicine, as well as data-driven and machine learning methodologies with applications to biology. The workshop will provide a follow up to an NSF sponsored conference on similar topics held at UCR in November of 2023 titled Predictive Modeling in Biology and Medicine.

    The workshop is sponsored by the UCR Interdisciplinary Center for Quantitative Modeling in Biology (ICQMB) and UCR Artificial Intelligence Research and Education Institute (RAISE).

    Workshop Webpage

    *Due to the limited capacity of the venue, registration is currently closed for this event.