Technical Publications
Journal Articles
1. Guan, Z. 1988. Curvature on the Hermitian Symmetric Spaces. Acta Math. Sinica. p.270-283. (Refereed)
2. Dorfmeister, J., Guan, Z. 1991. Fine Structure of Reductive Pseudo-Kahlerian Spaces. Geometrica Dedicata. p.321-338. (Refereed)
3. Dorfmeister, J., Guan, Z. 1992. Classification of compact homogeneous pseudo-Kahler manifolds. Birkhauser Verlag. Basel. p.499-513. (Refereed)
4. Dorfmeister, J., Guan, Z. 1992. Pseudo-Kahlerian homogeneous spaces admitting a reductive transitive group of automorphisms. Math. Zeitschrift. p.89-100. (Refereed)
5. Guan, Z. 1992. Stability of Hermitian Vector Bundles - A Quantitative Point of View. Intern'l J. Math. p.477-481. (Refereed)
6. Dorfmeister, J., Guan, Z. 1992. Supplement to 'Fine Structure of Reductive Pseudo-Kahlerian Spaces' (2)". Geom. Dedicata. p.241-242. (Refereed)
7. Guan, Z. 1995. Quasi-Einstein Metrics. International J. of Math. p.371-379. (Refereed)
8. Guan, Z. 1995. Existence of Extremal Metrics on Compact Almost Homogeneous Kahler Manifolds with Two Ends. Transactions of AMS. p.2255-2262. (Refereed)
9. Guan, Z. 1995. Examples of Compact Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds which are not Kahlerian III. International J. of Math. p.709-718. (Refereed)
10. Guan, Z. 1995. Examples of Compact Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds which are not Kahlerian II. Amer. J. Math. p.135-145. (Refereed)
11. Guan, Z. 1996. A Splitting Theorem for Compact Complex Homogeneous Spaces with a Symplectic Structure. Geometrica Dedicata. p.217-225. (Refereed)
12. Guan, Z. 1997. Toward a Classification of Almost Homogeneous Manifolds I --- Linearization of the Singular Extremal Rays. International J. of Math. p.999-1014. (Refereed)
13. Guan, Z. 1997. Classification of Compact Homogeneous Spaces with Invariant Symplectic Structures. Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathemtical Society. p.52-54. (Refereed)
14. Guan, Z. 1997. Classification of Compact Complex Homogeneous Spaces with Invariant Volumes. Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society. p.90-92. (Refereed)
15. Guan, Z. 1999. Toward a Classification of Almost Homogeneous Manifolds II --- Bad Models. International J. Math. p.571-586. (Refereed)
16. Guan, Z. 1999. On Modified Mabuchi Functional and Mabuchi Moduli Space of Kahler Metrics on Toric Bundles. Math. Research Letters. p.547-555. (Refereed)
17. Guan, Z. 2000. Toward a Classification of Almost Homogeneous Manifolds III---SL(2)xC* Actions. International J. Math. p.799-809. (Refereed)
18. Guan, Z., Chen, X. 2000. Existence of Extremal Metrics on Almost Homogeneous Manifolds of Cohomogeneity One. Asian J. Math. p.817-830. (Refereed)
19. Guan, Z. 2001. On the Betti Numbers of Irreducible Compact Hyperkahler Manifolds of Complex Dimension Four. Math. Res. Letters. p.663-669. (Refereed)
20. Guan, Z. 2002. Classification of Compact Complex Homogeneous Spaces with Invariant Volumes. Transactions of AMS. p.4493-4504. (Refereed)
21. Guan, Z. 2002. Existence of Extremal Metrics on Almost Homogeneous Manifolds of Cohomogeneity One -- II. The Journal of Geometric Analysis. p.63-79. (Refereed)
22. Guan, Z. 2003. Existence of Extremal Metrics on Almost Homogeneous Manifolds of Cohomogeneity One --- III. Inter. Jour. of Math. p.259-287. (Refereed)
23. Guan, Z. 2003. On Representation Theory and the Cohomology Rings of Irreducible Compact Hyperkahler Manifolds of Complex Dimension Four. Central European Journal of Math. p.661-669. (Refereed)
24. Guan, Z. 2004. Toward a Classification of Compact Complex Homogeneous Spaces. Journal of Algebra. p.33-59. (Refereed)
25. Guan, Z. 2005. On Compact Symplectic Manifolds with Lie Group Symmetries. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. p.3359-3373. (Refereed)
26. Guan, Z. 2006. Existence of extremal metrics on almost homogeneous manifolds of cohomogeneity one ---IV. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. p.139-167. (Refereed)
27. Guan, Z. 2006. Extremal-solitons and Exponential C Convergence of the Modified Calabi Flow on Certain CP1 Bundles. Pacific Journal of Math. 41p. (Refereed)