Technical Publications
Journal Articles
1. Chari, V., Ilangovan, S. 1984. On the Harishchandra Homomorphism for Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras. J. Algebra. p.476-490. (Refereed)
2. Chari, V. 1985. Annihilators of Verma modules for Kac-Moody Lie algebras. Invent. Math. p.47-58. (Refereed)
3. Chari, V. 1986. Integrable representations of affine Lie-algebras. Invent. Math. p.317-335. (Refereed)
4. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1986. New Unitary Representations of Loop Groups. 1986. p.87-104. (Refereed)
5. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1987. A New Family of Irreducible, Integrable Modules for Affine Lie Algebras. Math. Ann. p.543-562. (Refereed)
6. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1987. Unitary representations of the maps S1 -- su(N,1)". Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. p.259-272. (Refereed)
7. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1988. Integrable Representations of Twisted Affine Lie Algebras". Journal of Algebra. p.438-464. (Refereed)
8. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1988. Unitary representations of the Virasoro algebra and a conjecture of Kac". Compositio Math. p.315-342. (Refereed)
9. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1990. An Application of Lie Superalgebras to Affine Lie Algebras. J. of Algebra. p.203-216. (Refereed)
10. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1990. Yangians and R-matrices. L'Enseignment Mathematique. p.267-302. (Refereed)
11. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1991. Fundamental representations of Yangians and singularities of R-matrices. Jour. Reine und. Angewandte. Math. p.87-128. (Refereed)
12. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1991. Quantum Affine Algebras. Commun. Math. Phys. p.261-283. (Refereed)
13. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1991. Minimal cyclic representations of quantum groups at roots of unity. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. p.429-434. (Refereed)
14. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1992. Fundamental Representations of Quantum Groups at Roots of 1. Letters in Math. Phys. p.133-146. (Refereed)
15. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1993. Representations of modular Lie algebras through quantum groups. C.R. Acad. Sci. p.723-728. (Refereed)
16. Chari, V., Premet, A. 1994. Indecomposable Restricted Representations of Quantum sl2. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ. p.335-352. (Refereed)
17. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1994. Small Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras. Lett. Math. Phys. p.131-145. (Refereed)
18. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1994. Representations of Quantum so(8) and Related Quantum Algebras. Commun. Math. Phys. p.29-49. (Refereed)
19. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1995. Minimal Affinizations of Representations of Quantum Groups: The Nonsimply-Laced Case. Lett. Math. Phys. p.99-114. (Refereed)
20. Chari, V. 1995. Minimal Affinizations of Representations of Quantum Groups: the Rank 2 Case. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ. p.873-911. (Refereed)
21. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1996. Quantum Affine Algebras and Affine Hecke Algebras. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. p.295-326. (Refereed)
22. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1996. Minimal Affinizations of Representations of Quantum Groups: the Irregular Case. Letters in Math. Phys. p.247-266. (Refereed)
23. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1996. Minimal Affinizations of Representations of Quantum Groups: The Simply Laced Case. Journal of Algebra. p.1-30. (Refereed)
24. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1996. Yangians, Integrable Quantum Systems and Dorey's Rule". Commun. Math. Phys. p.265-302. (Refereed)
25. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1996. Yangians: Their Representations and Characters. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. p.39-58. (Refereed)
26. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1997. Quantum Affine Algebras at Roots of Unity. Representation Theory. p.280-328. (Refereed)
27. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1998. Twisted Quantum Affine Algebras. Commun. Math. Physics>. p.461-476. (Refereed)
28. Beck, J., Chari, V., Pressley, A. 1999. An Algebraic Characterization of The Affine Canonical Basis. Duke Mathematical Journal. p.455-487. (Refereed)
29. Chari, V., Jing, N. 2001. Realization of Level One Representations of Uq(g) at a Root of Unity. Duke Mathematical Journal. p.183-197. (Refereed)
30. Chari, V., Pressley, A. 2001. Weyl Modules for Classical and Quantum Affine Algebras. Representation Theory. p.191-223. (Refereed)
31. Chari, V. 2001. On the Fermionic Formula and the Kirillov-Reshetikhin Conjecture. Int. Math. Res. Notices. p.629-654. (Refereed)
32. Chari, V. 2002. Braid Group Actions and Tensor Products. Int. Math. Res. Notices. p.357-382. (Refereed)
33. Chari, V., Greenstein, J. 2003. Quantum Loop Modules. Representation Theory. p.56-80. (Refereed)
34. Chari, V., Moura, A. 2004. Spectral characters of finite-dimensional representations of affine algebras. Journal of Algebra. p.820-839. (Refereed)
35. Chari, V., Jakelic, D., Moura, A. 2004. Branched Crystals and Category O. J. Algebra. p.51-72. (Refereed)
36. Chari, V., Greenstein, J. 2005. Filtrations and completions of certain positive level modules of affine algebras. Advances in Mathematics. p.296-331. (Refereed)
37. Chari, V., Moura, A. 2005. Characters and Blocks for Finite-Dimensional Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices. p.257-298. (Refereed)
38. Chari, V., Loktev, S. 2006. Weyl, Demazure and fusion modules for the current algebra of slr+1. Advances in Mathematics. p.928-960. (Refereed)
39. Chari, V., Moura, A. 2006. The Restricted Kirillov--Reshetikhin Modules for the Current and Twisted Current Algebras. Comm. Math. Phys. p.431-454. (Refereed)
40. Chari, V., Moura, A. 2006. Characters of Fundamental Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras. Acta. Appl. Math. p.43-63. (Refereed)
41. Chari, V., Greenstein, J. 2007. Current Algebras, Highest Weight Categories and Quivers. Advances in Mathematics. p.811-840. (Refereed)
(In Press)
1. Chari, V., Greenstein, J. Graded Level Zero Integrable Representations of Affine Lie Algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. (Accepted 03/08/2006. 19 manuscript pages.) (Refereed)
2. Chari, V., Fourier, G., Senesi, P. Weyl modules for the twisted loop Algebras. Journal of Algebra. (Accepted 06/03/2007. 19 manuscript pages.) (Refereed)
1. Pressley, A., Chari, V. 1994. A Guide to Quantum Groups. The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge. 550p. ISBN: . (Refereed)
Conference and Symposia Proceedings
(In Press)
1. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 06/08/1986.) "Towards a classificationof Integrable representations of affine Lie algebras". 12. (Refereed, )
2. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 07/06/1987.) "Unitary representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras". 40. (Refereed, )
3. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 01/01/1990.) "Notes on quantum groups". 22. (Refereed, )
4. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 01/01/1991.) "introduction to Quantum groups". 42. (Refereed, )
5. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 06/15/1995.) "Quantum affine algebras and their representations". 20. (Refereed, )
6. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 07/22/1996.) "Quantum affine algebras and integrable quantum systems'. 19. (Refereed, )
7. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 01/01/1997.) "Factorization of representations of quantum affine algebras". 8. (Refereed, )
8. Chari, V., Xi, N. .(Accepted 05/21/1999.) "Monomial bases of quantized enveloping algebras". 13. (Refereed, )
9. Chari, V., Kleber, M. .(Accepted 05/23/2000.) "Symmetric functions and representations of quantum affine algebras. 19. (Refereed, )
10. Chari, V., Pressley, A. .(Accepted 06/01/2001.) "Integrable and Weyl modules for quantum affine s1_2 . 8. (Refereed, )
11. Chari, V., Le, T. .(Accepted 03/01/2002.) "Representations of double affine lie algebras. 15. (Refereed, )
12. Chari, V., Greenstein, J. .(Accepted 03/15/2005.) "An application of free lie algebras to polynomial current algebras & their representations theory. 17. (Refereed, )
13. Chari, V., Moura, A. .(Accepted 03/31/2006.) "Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules associated to G_2". 19. (Refereed, )